04 August 2017

0241 | Photo | Deutsche Volksgruppe in Kroatien

Jasenovac concentration camp. Jolly Croatian Germans, so-called Kulturbund men (in black trousers), assisting the Ustashas during the reception of prisoners (Serbs and Jews) and confiscation of their belongings, in one of the first two Jasenovac camps (Bročice or Krapje), in late summer 1941. According to Jakov Kabilj, one of the Jewish survivors, the Germans also participated in the deportation of future inmates: "The police agent just handed me over to some Kulturbund men [...]. Miserable and without sleep, carrying our remaining luggage, we walked for about 6 km [...]. There were also old men of poor health in the group [...]. When they couldn't walk anymore, they were hit with rifle butts [...]. The Kulturbund men watched everything with pleasure [...]." The Croatian population was not spared from the Ustasha-German terror either; about a 100 kilometres away, in Bosanski Brod, Croatian civilians sent the following appeal to their zhupan in August 1941: "We beg you to cross over to Bosnia and see what is going on, and to protect us Croats too, because we are being arrested even by the Kulturbund, they take us away into the night, where we, the Croats, let alone the Serbs, disappear. Save our lives, if you have any strength at all, before it's too late." Some Croatian Germans, however, were staying in Jasenovac as prisoners too; from a report by Captain Bogdan Rašković to Prime Minister Nedić, September 1941: "Besides imprisoned Serbs, we have also found 50 Germans in the Jasenovac camp, members of the German Kulturbund, about whom the German military authorities do not know, and we believe that there is even more of them in other places..."

Text: Ivan Ž.

Photographer: unknown.
Date: August/September 1941.
Location: unknown (district of Novska), Yugoslavia.
Original caption: unknown.

File source: Nataša Mataušić, "Jasenovac" (p. 127).

NOT ALLOWED: removing source credits from the files – using text without crediting the original author – using files and information for political propaganda and commercial purposes.

Koncentracioni logor Jasenovac. Veseli hrvatski Nemci, tzv. kulturbundovci (u crnim pantalonama), pomažu ustašama tokom prijema zarobljenika (Srba i Jevreja) i konfiskovanja njihovih stvari, u jednom od prva dva jasenovačka logora (Bročice ili Krapje), krajem leta 1941. godine. Prema sećanju Jakova Kabilja, jednog od preživelih Jevreja, Nemci su učestvovali i u deportaciji budućih logoraša: "Policijski agent me je samo predao nekim kulturbundovcima [...]. Tako smo, jadni i neispavani, natovareni našom preostalom prtljagom, prepešačili oko 6 km [...]. U toj grupi je bilo i staraca slabog zdravlja [...]. Kada nisu mogli ići, onda su kundaci bili u akciji [...]. Kulturbundovci su to sve sa užitkom promatrali [...]." Ni hrvatsko stanovništvo nije bilo pošteđeno ustaško-nemačkog terora; stotinak kilometara dalje, u Bosanskom Brodu, hrvatski civili su avgusta 1941. svom županu uputili sledeći apel: "Zaklinjemo Vas da pređete u Bosnu i da vidite šta se radi, i da zaštitite i nas Hrvate, jer nas hapsi i Kulturbund, odvedu u noć i nestaje i nas Hrvata a kamoli Srba. Spasite naše duše ako uopće imate snage, dok nije prekasno." Pojedini hrvatski Nemci su, međutim, u Jasenovcu boravili i kao zarobljenici; iz referata kapetana Bogdana Raškovića ministru-predsedniku Nediću, septembra 1941: "Pored zatvorenih Srba, našli smo u logoru Jasenovcu i 50 Nemaca, članova nemačkog Kulturbunda, za koje nemačke vojne vlasti ne znaju, a verujemo da ih na drugim mestima ima i više..."

Tekst: Ivan Ž.

Fotograf: nepoznat.
Datum: avgust/septembar 1941.
Mesto: nepoznato (srez Novski), Jugoslavija.
Originalni natpis: nepoznat.

Izvor fajla: Nataša Mataušić, "Jasenovac" (str. 127).

NIJE DOZVOLJENO: uklanjanje naziva izvora sa fajlova – korišćenje teksta bez navođenja izvornog autora – korišćenje fajlova i informacija u političko-propagandne i komercijalne svrhe.