13 August 2017

0245 | Photo | Grenadier-Regiment 92 (mot.)

Operations "Axis" and "Gaiseric". Ford trucks in the service of the 7th Company, 92nd Grenadier Regiment, drive out of the Marmont Street and onto the French Quay in Split. On the facade of the building in the background there are Partisan inscriptions "Long live the commander of the IV Operational Zone, comrade Vicko Krstulović" and "Long live the fighting unity of the people of Yugoslavia".

Text: Ivan Ž.

Photographer: Hugo Kemps, SS War Correspondent Battalion.
Date: 27 September 1943.
Location: Split, Yugoslavia.
Original caption: "In the fight against the enemy and nature. The endured efforts were not in vain. The battle group's objective – the important port city of Split – has been reached."

File source: Nationaal Archief, 27021A 066.

NOT ALLOWED: removing source credits from the files – using text without crediting the original author – using files and information for political propaganda and commercial purposes.

Operacije "Osovina" i "Gajzerih". Fordovi kamioni u službi 7. čete 92. grenadirskog puka izlaze iz Marmontove ulice na Francusku obalu u Splitu. Na fasadi zgrade u pozadini stoje partizanski natpisi "Živio komandant IV operativne zone, drug Vicko Krstulović" i "Živilo borbeno jedinstvo naroda Jugoslavije".

Tekst: Ivan Ž.

Fotograf: Hugo Kemps, Ratnodopisnički bataljon SS-a.
Datum: 27. septembar 1943.
Mesto: Split, Jugoslavija.
Originalni natpis: "U borbi protiv neprijatelja i prirode. Pretrpljeni napori nisu bili uzaludni. Cilj borbene grupe – važni lučki grad Split – je dostignut."

Izvor fajla: Nationaal Archief, 27021A 066.

NIJE DOZVOLJENO: uklanjanje naziva izvora sa fajlova – korišćenje teksta bez navođenja izvornog autora – korišćenje fajlova i informacija u političko-propagandne i komercijalne svrhe.